Freedom S100

the Freedom S100 is a side-by-side 2-seat amphibious aircraft with a dual stick control system, designed to fulfill the requirements of the Light Sports Aircraft (LSA) specifications.

The T-shape tail and high wing ensure that the control surfaces are far enough from the water to avoid interference from splashing.

A spacious cockpit with great visibility makes this aircraft ideal for surveillance, aerial photography, life-saving, etc.

Security, freedom, confidence and comfort define this amphibious aircraft:
SECURITY, due to its high glide ratio (17:1) and low stall speed (83 km/h)
FREEDOM, as you can reach previously inaccessible places.
CONFIDENCE, because it offers full guarantee of safety on land, water and in the air.
COMFORT due to its quick assembly and disassembly (45 minutes – two people) and easy transportation to any site, it’s interior size and seating comfort.

“Low maintenance, safety and long life”

The Freedom S100 is entirely built of composite materials (Carbon fiber, Kevlar, Nomex, fiberglass, etc.) except for it’s metal components, which are made of AISI 316 stainless steel A4 and anodized 6082 marine grade aluminum. These materials guarantee low maintenance, safety and long life even in salt water.

The Rotax 912 engine is fully integrated into the fuselage to improve the aesthetics, aerodynamics performances and stability.

LANDING GEAR: An electric system operated by stainless Steel actuators, protection IP68, which are completely separate and independent for each wheel. The mechanism has detectors that indicate the opening and closing position of the wheels on the control panel, guaranteeing complete safety during landing.

TAKE-OFF AND LANDING: The Freedom requires 275 meters for take-off and landing on land and 300 meters on water at it’s 650 Kg MTOW. The take-off from water is very stable from the beginning due to the generous control surfaces of the aircraft. The deep V-shaped hull allows the aircraft to operate in open waters cushioning the impact of wave action on the hull.

RANGE: The Freedom S100 has one fuel tank in the fuselage with a capacity of 20 liters and additional tanks in the wings giving to the aircraft a range of >1.000 Km.

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